If you stick around theatre long enough you will eventually be involved in a show that necessitates the use of weapons! Usually it will be pretty tame stuff like a pistol or a sword.
In the event that you are asked to care for such an item here are some things that you should consider.
1. Does it need to be a practical weapon? (ie a gun that fires, even blanks, or a sword with an edge) If the answer is even remotely no then don't do it! The risks far outweigh the potential benefit to the "reality" of your production.
2. If it must be practical, what safety measures should you take? Here is the gun safety check list required by actor's equity union to be posted if firearms are in use. It is printable and I strongly advise making a couple of copies.
3. Who will be responsible for the locking and unlocking of gun and knife boxes, etc? In addition to the safety rules you will need a check in and out system that must be strictly enforced.
4. Check to make sure that you are in compliance with local laws before assuming. In many municipalities fireworks, pyrotechnics and the like are highly restricted and may require a licensed professional.
5. Make sure you have a qualified trainer on hand to train both actors and stage hands about the use and handling of weapons.
If used correctly they can add a lot to a performance. Make sure to set up adequate safety to control the use of weapons.
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